Viime viikonloppuna juhlimme ihastuttavan pienen tyttösen 2-vuotissynttäreitä. Veimme päivänsankarille Muumimamman, jolle olin tehnyt talvivarusteita. Langan ostin Lincraftista. Cleckheatonin Artisan langassa on puolet villaa ja puolet akryyliä. Ihastuin tämän langan sävyihin. Täällä on tarjolla todella paljon akryylilankaa ja on vaikea löytää kunnollista villasekoitetta ainakin Northern Beachesin alueelta.
Muumithan nukkuvat talviunta, mutta en tiedä, miten mamman keho reagoi maapallon toiselle puolelle muuttoon. Edessä voi olla australialainen taikatalvi. Asuntojen sisälle alkaa jo hiipiä kostea koleus. Toivottavasti Muumimamma pysyy lämpimänä.
Moomins are an essential part of childhood in Finland. The stories of Tove Jansson are well-know to all Finns and they are something we are proud of as a nation. So naturally, Moominmamma is something I wanted to give as a birthday present to a little expat girl.
It's cold in Finland outside but inside it's warm. No matter how cold it get outside. That's why it's a bit hard to get adjusted to living in Australian houses during the colder period of the year. But as a Finn, I rely on wool. As I am writing this, I am wearing wool socks. I have a collection of wool socks with me. All made by my loved ones in Finland.
So, to help Moominmamma get through the Aussie winter, I made her some clothes. The yarn is from Lincraft. Cleckheaton's Artisan is 50 % wool & 50 % acrylic. I am suprised to find acrylic yarn so popular over here. At least that is what the local shops are offering. In Finland the most popular yarn comes from Novita (only in Finnish or Swedish, sorry!). Novita yarns are sold everywhere and the company has it's own magazine that comes out four times a year. The yarns and the patterns are very easy to find. I am pretty sure that every Finn has a pair of wool socks that have been made from Novita's most popular sock yarn.
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